Friday, November 19, 2010

Vegan MoFo Day 19: Potato Fail, Easy Eats

Man, I've been HUNGRY today! Granted, I've kind of been grazing all day, rather than eating meals. BF left the saag, so I had a bit of that.

But - what I've really been craving today is potatoes! I considered how I might want to make them - Home style? Mashed? Just cooked somehow?

I decided on mashed, with garlic and shallots. Mmm...! I grabbed the potatoes out of the cupboard and started to wash. Hm, the first one was part green... No worries, I'd cut around it.

Hm... the second one had little itty bitty eyes... Is that bad? Oh, and it's kind of green... hm... Were the other ones bad too?

Sadly, yes. All the potatoes were growing eyes or green. Ugh. I really really really wanted potatoes. I'm still hungry. Now what?

Thank goodness I got some angel hair pasta and a jar of tomato basil sauce. It's not potatoes, but it's something. And it's EASY.

Speaking of easy, I think I might go easy this week on the cooking. I mean, make really easy stuff. I worked HARD this week, for someone who doesn't cook, and I really just want to enjoy the holiday week with the BF. Plus, he does the dishes, and I think he's really starting to resent me ;-)


  1. The green part is bad, but I think you can cut it away. The eyes are not a problem. In my opinion it is really hard to have a potato fail. A potato is a win just for being!

  2. celyn - that is so true! Good to know the eyes are ok.
